The report contains:
50 pages with over 250 insightful charts and graphs.
Analysis derived from 2,898 Professional Service Organizations over the past five years.
Over the past five years, SPI Research has observed a significant shift in the percentage of Corporate Financial Management (CFM) solutions, moving towards Project-based ERP from best-of-breed. In early SPI studies, the best-of-breed financial management solutions averaged around 80% of the market. Now, it is rapidly moving to 50%. SPI Research used data from 2,898 firms surveyed over the past five years in SPI’s Professional Services Maturity™ Benchmark. This annual study helps professional services organizations (PSOs) better understand and improve performance.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) was reintroduced as a true “game-changer” in 2023, even though it has been around for decades. AI’s mission is extensive – to enhance visibility, growth, client and employee satisfaction, productivity, and profit. It holds enormous potential for every industry but is especially important to the Professional Services market. These organizations will both use AI and sell AI and related services to their current and future clients.
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