Leadership Team
R. David Hofferberth, P.E. - Founder and Managing Director LinkedIn David Hofferberth, PE, is the founder and principal analyst of Service Performance Insight (SPI Research). He is the co-author of the Professional Services Maturity™ Benchmark, the industry leading annual report on Professional Services (PS) performance. In 1999 he introduced to the market the solution area now known as Professional Services Automation (PSA), when he published the seminal report: Professional Services Automation: Increasing Efficiencies and Profitability in Professional Services Organizations. Dave’s background is extensive in services productivity beginning in the early 1980s. Dave is the author of the Professional Service Maturity Model™ benchmark used by over 50,000 project-oriented organizations to diagnose and improve their performance. He is a frequent speaker at key industry events on information technology around the world and has provided advisory services to project- and services-driven organizations. His firm advises professional services firms and solution providers on trends and challenges facing the professional services market, and how technology adoption can accelerate productivity and profit. Contact Dave at david.hofferberth@spiresearch.com |