2022 PSA End-User Survey Report

2022 PSA End-User Survey Report

Item Number: SPI202210
Price: $695

For the first time in five years, during the second quarter of 2022, SPI Research conducted a Professional Services Automation (PSA) end-user survey.  This examination of 88 billable organizations using PSA is truly an independent research study – the PSA solution providers had no input or control over the survey or respondents.  The survey asked both quantitative and qualitative questions regarding why firms selected PSA, which attributes were most important, and how buyers perceived their benefits.  Most importantly, this study looked at both pre- and post-PSA deployment.


PSA helps executives and project team members better understand the time and cost to deliver services, and therefore derive a value and return on investment from the work they deliver.  PSA use in the past two decades has expanded significantly beyond early adopters in technology and consulting firms.  Now organizations in virtually every industry has started to adopt PSA to more efficiently deliver projects and services while accurately tracking time and cost.  As all industries move toward more knowledge and project-driven work, the PSA market will continue to expand. 

The bottom line is Professional Services Automation solutions can significantly improve services operations.  But it takes a dedicated and diligent management team to ensure PSA is used in the field, as well as to take advantage of the significant analytics most solutions provide. No information-based solution will succeed without on-going management commitment.

This report contains:

  • PSA definition and core modules
  • Why PSA was purchased
  • How PSA is used
  • Satisfaction with various components and aspects of PSA
  • Pre- and post-PSA deployment benchmarks
  • 44 insightful figures and tables

“Covid changed how the Professional Services market operate. PS executives must improve every aspect of their business to succeed against a backdrop of increased global competition, changing business models, workforce attrition, enhanced regulatory compliance and more demanding clients” states R. David Hofferberth, P.E., Managing Director of Service Performance Insight and the principal author of this report.

The Services delivery lifecycle is under an economic microscope today, with client organizations demanding solid returns on investment. This trend impacts the need for and use of information within professional services organizations. Leading professional services organizations are turning to PSA solutions to improve both visibility of operations and transparency of transactions.

Table of Contents

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