PS Maturity Scorecard | Professional Services Maturity Model | Key performance indicators for professional services | Optimizing service delivery processes | Professional services maturity assessment | Professional services metrics reporting | Industry best practices in professional services | Professional services benchmarking reports

Custom PS Maturity™ Scorecard Report

Item Number: SPI2024SC2
Price: $6500

The Professional Services Maturity™ Scorecard report is designed to specifically compare your organization to those of your peers (similar industry and size). This information provides visibility into critical business processes and key performance measurements so your organization can compare, diagnose and improve its own performance. It provides prescriptive advice so organizations can pinpoint current levels of maturity and visualize the steps required to advance to the next level. Service Performance Insight (SPI) Research first introduced the “New Professional Services Maturity Model” benchmark report in January, 2008. Since that time more than 50,000 PS organizations have adopted it.

Get in touch using our contact form if you’d like to organize a call to hear more about the PS Maturity™ Scorecard.


PS Maturity™ Scorecard Overview:

  • Client completes 2025 PS Maturity™ survey
  • Client/SPI 1 hour leader company introduction interview
  • SPI develops custom 55 page PS Maturity™ scorecard report
  • Benchmark comparison to 140+ metrics from peer group, high performers and overall benchmark average
  • Your prioritized metrics identified and quantified to show data-backed estimated profitability gains
  • 2 hour web consulting Exec meeting to review results and discuss recommendations
  • A copy of the 2025 PS Maturity™ Benchmark Report(a $2,495 value)

By completing the SPI Professional Services Maturity™ survey and a one-hour executive interview you will receive a customized 55-page PowerPoint presentation comparing your organization to your peers (similar-sized organizations within either embedded or independent firms). This information can be used to highlight areas where you should begin your performance improvement plan.  Along with your scorecard you will receive a one-hour web briefing with an SPI Research principal to analyze your results and discuss improvement priorities. 

Your email address is important. We will email your report in PDF format. The report is approximately 5MB, so some email systems do not accept files this large.