2012 Service Lifecycle Management Maturity
Item Number: SPI12SLM
Price: $195
The service industry is buzzing about a new way to create, sell and deliver repeatable service products. It’s called “service productization.” Many find productized services alluring because of the promise of bigger sales pipelines, rapid deal closure, faster client time-to-value and improved project delivery quality. Based on our research, no other recent business topic has generated the same level of curiosity – and confusion.
SPI Research’s newest benchmark provides valuable insight into:
- Productized services definition and benefits
- How to productize services using SPI’s new SLM3™ service productization methodology
- Challenges, failure points and prerequisites
- The Service Lifecycle Management Maturity Model™ definitions, phases and metrics
- Best service productizing practices of the Best-of-the-Best firms
The report contains:
- 87 pages with 96 insightful charts and graphs
- Analysis derived from 102 Professional Service Organizations
- Eight PS vertical markets are represented: IT Consulting; Software and SaaS; Management Consulting; Hardware and Networking and other PS.
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