Equip professional services leaders with the skills to drive growth and profitability

Explore high-impact training programs prepare your team for success today!

We provide you with insights that drive professional services success

Service Performance Insight (SPI Research) is a leader in Professional Services Market Research with an emphasis on how strategic alignment between people, business controls and technology drive performance. For over a decade we have spotted the trends, established key performance metrics and standards and showcased best practices with the singular goal of advancing the technology professional service sector.

We combine the best of both quantitative and qualitative approaches to provide unique insights and actionable frameworks designed to improve decision-making.

Our research and thoughtful analysis sets us apart and is at the core of all we do. We not only help our clients uncover hidden opportunities but also build the case for the value of change.

Service Performance Insight provides an informed and actionable third-party perspective for service executives and technology providers. Our market research and reporting forms the context in which both buyers and sellers of information technology-based solutions maximize the effectiveness of solution development, selection, deployment and use.

SPI Research publishes ground-breaking research reports and offers free downloadable white papers, presentations and other media to keep PS leaders abreast of market dynamics.

SPI Research works with industry leaders that supply the market with the tools required to efficiently and effectively perform work. Many of these partners pay for the right to distribute Service Performance Insight research, however, do not influence the process or the outcome of our research.

Growing New PS Leaders

The Professional Services Leadership program is about providing the necessary skills for aspiring managers and senior managers to develop critical competencies to grow the practice.

The program will focus on leading the PRACTICE, leading BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT and leading your TEAM.

With a highly effective leadership team, the possibilities are endless for a professional services firm. The program will be offered in ILT and vILT format with coaching and reinforcement.

The program will start with a Professional Services Maturity™ Scorecard and Leadership Assessment.

Service Lifecycle Maturity Acceleration™ Program

Service Performance Insight’s two-day Service Lifecycle Maturity (SLM) Acceleration™ program is for PSO leaders, services marketing professionals, service product managers who set strategy, manage and make decisions about their service product portfolio and service offerings.

This course provides insight into SPIs™ Research-based Service Lifecycle Management Maturity Model™ and an actionable framework – SLM3™ methodology and toolkit that will enable the service product team to implement a holistic and sustaining service productization program. SLM3™ topics include:

  1. Critical success factors the required conditions for service productization success
  2. Organizational structure the teams, hierarchy, roles, and responsibilities leading and supporting the program
  3. Program foundation the critical service productization program capabilities and activities project management, change management, and portfolio management that are required for start-up and ongoing program operations
  4. Service productization methodology the five-phase lifecycle process that compels the team to develop a strategically aligned, market-driven and high-quality service product focus

Prior to the course, participants complete an SLM Maturity™ Benchmark. An SLM Maturity™ Scorecard is generated for each participant firm specifically comparing it to peer organizations. This information serves as a basis for prioritizing service productization implementation and improvement initiatives.

The program is intense but fun. At the end of the course, participants have the option of taking the SLM3™ certification exam.

SPI encourages participants to attend the course with other service product professionals from their organizations to maximise your outcomes with a high-quality performance acceleration strategy and plan.

Our range of market intelligence reports that will help improve your business